Before entering this area be sure you are familiar with and understand:
"In The Beginning"
Dating Methodology in the Creation of this Timeline Chart

   The purpose of this chart is not to fill it up with as much data as possible.  Rather, it is to present a clear but concise and direct Biblical Timeline - God's Timeline - from Creation all the way through to the present era, and then beyond.  There is so much dating / timing information given in the Bible that the chart could contain many times its current number of entries.  That would have been a distraction from our purpose.

   Note that because the Hebrew year spans across parts of two Gregorian years, and because of the ante-dating method consistently used by the Hebrews to calculate time intervals; a one year discrepancy can be seen in the numbers from time to time.  No adjustment was made to account for this in any way.  The numbers you see here are strictly the numbers that are derived from the available information which is then subjected to simple adding or subtracting.

   Entries with a leading
[Note] have an explanatory note below.  Click on it to read the note.

11. - Note: - Genesis 5:32 - Now after Noah was five hundred years old, Noah fathered Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
In Hebrew writing, sons were not necessarily listed in chronological order.  Example:
In Hebrew culture, family lineage was not always carried through the firstborn son.  Example:
Noah's three sons were not triplets:
* Why is this year being added?
When viewing an event relative in Time to a previous event, if this first event was lengthy, the second event is viewed relative to its end point.
Example:  Dwight D. Eisenhower became president 7 years after WW2.  This of course means after the end of WW2.

I know this information - Take Me To The Chart

   After the three high quality Biblical Timeline Anchor Points had been revealed by the Biblical Hebrew Calendar Creator (BHCC) software . . .
to say I was pleased and anxious to carry on would be putting it mildly.
   Where to begin was an easy decision.  You start "In The Beginning".  You start with what you've always known to be in the Bible, but never had the confidence to completely believe that it could be both definitive and above all, completely accurate.  You start with something you've meant to do for a long time, but could never quite "find the time"; or probably more precisely, could never quite work up the courage to face the disappointment if it should fail.  You start with the plethora of dating-relevant information in the Bible, and you see where it takes you.

   In the Bible there are . . .
But would this be enough?  And would it confirm, at least to a sufficient degree (whatever that may be), the Bible-inspired theory that God is interacting with His universe, and with mankind in particular, within a Self-imposed 7000-year period of time?
   Would I have to enlist the aid of secular history for this project?  In this project, biblical statement will always have highest authority, but where this might lack clarity for the purpose at hand, would evidence from other sources be needed?  'History' was never (at all) one of my favorite school subjects, but through the years I have come to see its value; indeed its indispensability.  Accurate historical information is often a prerequisite to finding the truth of a matter.  Would it be helpful now?

   In addition to my excitement, I will readily admit to a degree of trepidation at the prospect of real disappointment.  Still, I have never been one to cower after my mind has been set.  If there is anything that I can appreciate about myself it is my valuing of Truth above all; whatever the ramifications might be that a truth may bring.  I believe very much that, as Jesus said, "The truth will set you free."  (John 8:32)
So Let's Get To It!  What was found through all of this?

   To make a fairly long story really short:  I found an astonishing confirmation of my belief that the Bible is the Word of God.  Beginning with the Creation Date revealed by the BHCC of 3968 BC, and using the dating information from God's Word with only a little bolstering from highly accepted historical information, biblical events and their dating bring us from the Creation, through to Jesus' death at Calvary in 33 AD - Precisely!  Other than in prophecy such as Revelation (which we will get into), dating in the AD era is beyond the scope of the Bible but is highly reliable within the historical record.  Effectively then, we have a Timeline from Creation to the Present that is both Complete and Precise.

   I didn't have to twist anything.  I didn't even once have to "make it fit".  And I certainly would not have done these things in any case.  All I had to do was read carefully and thoughtfully, and there were occasions when I had to dig a little deeper than the surface in order to get to the information that was needed.
   And oh yeah, there was one decision I had to make regarding which specific Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem is the one referred to by Daniel the Prophet.  But even this was not difficult since (at least for me) the evidence is plainly much stronger for one above the others.  This was also the single instance where I had to rely on the historical record to ascertain the date when that decree was proclaimed.  But I will have the dating methodology laid out below the chart, for you to go through.

   My suggestion is that you take all the time you need going through the chart.  Go through it multiple times if you wish; as many times as is needed in order to achieve clarity.  Make mental notes (or write them out) where you might have questions and then go through the Dating Methodology below the chart.  Let's get started.
God's 7000-Year Timeline . . .

  1. - CREATION - in God's "Perfect-7" Days - 3968 BC was assigned after working with the Biblical Hebrew Calendar Creator (BHCC) software.       ==>  3968 BC
  2. - Genesis 5:3 - When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son ... and named him Seth.           ==>  3838 BC
  3. - Genesis 5:6 - Seth lived 105 years, and fathered Enosh.           ==>  3733 BC
  4. - Genesis 5:9 - Enosh lived ninety years, and fathered Kenan.           ==>  3643 BC
  5. - Genesis 5:12 - Kenan lived seventy years, and fathered Mahalalel.           ==>  3573 BC
  6. - Genesis 5:15 - Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, and fathered Jared.           ==>  3508 BC
  7. - Genesis 5:18 - Jared lived 162 years, and fathered Enoch.           ==>  3346 BC
  8. - Genesis 5:21 - Enoch lived sixty-five years, and fathered Methuselah.           ==>  3281 BC
  9. - Genesis 5:25 - Methuselah lived 187 years, and fathered Lamech.           ==>  3094 BC
10. - Genesis 5:28-29 - Lamech lived 182 years, and fathered a son. And he named him Noah.           ==>  2912 BC
11. - Noah had lived 503 years when he fathered Shem.           ==>  2409 BC
12. -
The FLOOD - Genesis 7:6 - Noah was six hundred years old when the flood came.  ==>  2312 BC                           V
13. - Genesis 11:10 - Shem was a hundred years old when he fathered Arpachshad, two years after the flood.           ==>  2309 BC
14. - Genesis 11:12 - Arpachshad lived thirty-five years, and fathered Shelah.           ==>  2274 BC
15. - Genesis 11:14 - Shelah lived thirty years, and fathered Eber.           ==>  2244 BC
16. - Genesis 11:16 - Eber lived thirty-four years, and fathered Peleg.           ==>  2210 BC
17. - Genesis 11:18 - Peleg lived thirty years, and fathered Reu.           ==>  2180 BC
18. - Genesis 11:20 - Reu lived thirty-two years, and fathered Serug.           ==>  2148 BC
19. - Genesis 11:22 - Serug lived thirty years, and fathered Nahor.           ==>  2118 BC
20. - Genesis 11:24 - Nahor lived twenty-nine years, and fathered Terah.           ==>  2089 BC
21. - Terah was 130 years older than Abraham, and so 130 years old when he fathered Abraham.           ==>  1959 BC
22. - Abraham was 82 years old when the 430 year prophecy to the Exodus begins.           ==>  1877 BC
23. - Genesis 21:5 - Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born.  ==>  1859 BC                           V
24. - Genesis 25:26 - Isaac was sixty years old when Rebekah gave birth to Jacob.  ==>  1799 BC                           V
[Note] 25 - Jacob was 91 years old when Joseph was born.  ==>  1708 BC                           V
26. - Genesis 50:26 - Joseph died at the age of 110 years.  (Earliest possible date of Hebrew enslavement.)  ==>  1598 BC                           V
27. -
Birth of Moses - Exodus 7:7 - Moses was 80 years old when he spoke to Pharaoh.  [1447 BC (Exodus) - 80 years]  ==>  1527 BC                           V
28. -
The EXODUS - At the end of the 430 year prophecy (Event 22).  [This begins a 480 year timeline to Solomon's Temple (Event 32).]     ==>  1447 BC
29. - Deuteronomy 34:7 - Moses was 120 years old when he died.  ==>  1407 BC                           V
30. - Joshua begins his conquest of the land of Canaan.  ==>  1407 BC                           V
31. - Solomon Begins His Reign - (1 Kings 6:1 - In the 4th year of Solomon's reign he began to build the house of the Lord. Event 32)  ==>    971 BC                           V
32. -
SOLOMON'S TEMPLE Started at the Millennium - 1 Kings 6:1 - In the 480th year after the Exodus (Event 28) he began the Temple.     ==>    967 BC
33. - SOLOMON'S TEMPLE Completed in Perfect-7 Years - 1 Kings 6:38 - So he was seven years in building it.  ==>    960 BC                           V
34. - Solomon Dies - 1 Kings 11:42 - So the time that Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel was forty years.  [971 BC + 40 years]           ==>    931 BC
35. - This begins 345 Years of Israel's Divided Kingdom Era with separate lines of kings over Israel and Judah (go here for intricate detail)           ==>    931 BC
    36. - 2 Kings 23:34; (article) - Nearing the end of the 345 Years, Pharaoh Necho II installs Judah's King Jehoiakim.  ==>    608 BC                           V
37. - Daniel 1:1; Historical Record - 3rd year of Jehoiakim; Nebuchadnezzar begins reign as King of Babylon; 1st of 3 attacks on Jerusalem.  ==>    605 BC                           V
38. - 2 Kings 24:10-17 - Nebuchadnezzar's 8th year; 2nd of 3 attacks on Jerusalem; captures new king of Judah, Jehoiachin; installs Zedekiah.  ==>    597 BC                           V
39. - 2 Kings 24:20 - 25:7 - Zedekiah's 11th year; Nebuchadnezzar's 19th year; 3rd of 3 attacks on Jerusalem; captures Zedekiah.  ==>    587 BC                           V
40. - 2 Kings 25:8-21 - Nebuchadnezzar's 19th year; destroys Jerusalem and the temple; "Judah went into exile from its land."  The 345 Years is ended.           ==>    587 BC
41. - This devastation ends the 345 Years of Israel's Divided Kingdom Era and its kings, and begins 70 Years of Babylonian Captivity for the Hebrews.           ==>    587 BC
42. - Historical Record - Babylonian kings continue their rule over the Hebrews; Nebuchadnezzar reigns until           ==>    562 BC
43. - Amel-Marduk rules over the Hebrews from 562 until           ==>    560 BC
44. - Neriglissar rules from 560 until           ==>    556 BC
45. - Labashi-Marduk rules for a few months in           ==>    556 BC
46. - Nabonidus rules from 556 until           ==>    539 BC
47. - Chart; Historical Record - Under Cyrus, Persia now displaces Babylon, and Cyrus rules over the Hebrews from 539 until           ==>    530 BC
48. - Cambysses rules from 530 until           ==>    521 BC
49. - Pseudo Smerdis rules for a few months in           ==>    521 BC
50. - Darius rules from 521 until           ==>    486 BC
51. - Xerxes rules from 486 until           ==>    465 BC
52. - Artaxerxes I begins his rule over the Hebrews in           ==>    464 BC
53. - Daniel 9:20-27; Ezra 7 - Artaxerxes I's 7th year; Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem; begins Daniel's 490-Year Prophecy to the Messiah.           ==>    457 BC
54. - 1ST ADVENT MESSIAH - at His Sacrifice on the Cross For Our Sins - end of the 490-Year Prophecy; and as BHCC revealed.      ==>      33 AD
The Case For Millennial Coordination Is Proven

   The Timing from Creation to the Cross is meticulous.  Moving forward in time from the Lord's Crucifixion, into and through the Current Era, is beyond the scope of the Bible's historicity.  There is also no need for it since the documentation of history in the current era is extremely well established.  The case has been proven beyond reasonable doubt.  Millennial Coordination has been demonstrated.  The question now remaining is:  "Are there in fact going to be God's Perfect-7 of them?"

   With that in mind, there is one more fascinating facet to examine regarding God's 7000-Year Timeline.  That of the age-ending Revelation Prophecy.  Will this spectacular vision given to John the Apostle, and through him to us, also align with this pattern of Millennial Coordination?  And will it ultimately confirm the Perfect-7 Millennia of God's Timeline?

   I'm sure you're ready to find out about that, but just one stop before we get there.  We need to go through some helpful background information first.  Material that you don't necessarily have to agree with at this point, but that will aid us to see how the many puzzle pieces of Revelation can actually fit together very nicely, as long as our foundational belief system is sturdy.  Did that get your curiosity up?
Let's go look at some important questions . . .

21. - Note-  Genesis 11:26 - Terah lived seventy years, and fathered Abram, Nahor, and Haran.
This is another instance very similar to the listing of Noah's sons (#11 above).  Fortunately, the Scriptures once again give us ample information to clear up what otherwise could be an apparent discrepancy:
22. - Note:  - This is a specific period of 430 years stated to have occurred from God's Covenant with Abraham to the Exodus:
-  Exodus 12:41 -
And at the end of 430 years, on this very day, all the multitudes of the Lord departed from the land of Egypt.
-  Galatians 3:15 & 17 - Brothers and sisters, I speak in terms of human relations: even though it is only a man's covenant, yet when it has
   been ratified, no one sets it aside or adds conditions to it. ... What I am saying is this: the Law, which came 430 years later,
[at the
does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise.

   This Timeline item is very significant and, although I believe the Scriptures are again very clear, there is some disagreement about its timing.
God spoke and dealt directly with Abraham concerning this Covenant, at three separate encounters:
-  Encounter 1.  Genesis 12:1 - 13:13  - Abraham, whose father has just died, is 75 years old and has just left the land of Haran at God's instruction.  God tells Abraham that He will "bless" both him and his descendants, make them a "great nation" and give them Canaan.
Following encounter 1:
-  Encounter 2.  Genesis 13:14 - 14:24  - We aren't given the time interval but we know Abraham is less than 85 years old.  God reiterates the same blessings that He had spoken to Abraham at the 1st Encounter, with nothing new being added.
Following encounter 2:
-  Encounter 3.  Genesis 15  - We again are not given the time interval but Abraham is still less than 85 years old.  In addition to reiterating the promises He had already given, God now gives Abraham a highly significant new promise:
Abraham takes a vital role at this third encounter:
God's response to Abraham's question:
Following encounter 3, and up until Abraham had been in Canaan 10 years and was 85 years old (Genesis 16):
Which is the correct encounter?

   I feel as though the obvious connections of covenant and ratification between the description given in Galatians (above) and this third
encounter at Genesis 15, should not even require me to point them out.  I detailed this time period here for two reasons:
   This could not be more than 10 years, since Abraham is stated to have entered Canaan at age 75, just before the first encounter; and he is stated to have been in Canaan 10 years at some point after the third encounter.

   I think it is reasonable to estimate the events from the first encounter (when Abraham is 75) to the Covenant and its Ratification (Encounter 3), to take from 6 to 10 years.  But the situation with Sarah had to take some time so probably 6 to 9 years is justified.  Seven years is basically in the heart of this estimate and gets my vote.  This is yet another occurrence of God's "Perfect-7", which we'll see much more of when we get into the Prophecy of Revelation, where we will also run into Man's "Imperfect-6".  These will be more fully dealt with at that time.

   A Perfect-7 Years from God's first Promise to Abraham of a Covenant to come, to the actual Ratification of that Covenant.  Makes perfect-7 sense.  And fortunately we won't have to rely on an estimate because timelines can be read in both directions - into the future and into the past.  As we will see, applying seven years to this period works out perfectly with what lays ahead.

   Opting for this third encounter to begin the 430 years to the Exodus, tells us that Abraham was 82 years old at the beginning of this 430 years.

It may be of interest that from this general area of the scriptures we know:
25. - Note:  - Jacob's age at Isaac's birth is not given, but again we have enough information to work it out.
53. - Note:  - The Decree to Restore and Rebuild Jerusalem
In chapter 9 of his book, Daniel prophesies that 490 years will pass from "a decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem, until Messiah the Prince."  In this general time period there were four statements concerning Jerusalem from the kings who ruled her, so of course there is not unanimous agreement on which decree is the right decree.
   Naturally I believe the right decree is the one I present here; that of Artaxerxes I in 457 BC.  In terms of defensibility (Which Decree Began Daniel's Prophecy?), I believe it clearly rises higher than the others, as it is the only decree which distinctly authorizes the Hebrews to both "restore" and "rebuild".  But you can decide for yourself if you care to research the subject.  There are many articles on this with most of them getting the basics correct but the details wrong in my view.  So in this space, I'll just give you what for me is the clincher; the timing of the four decrees:
The 3rd Decree, Artaxerxes I in 457 BC, fits the well established timeline of Jesus to perfection.  The other three don't even come close.

God's 7000 Years - Charted